ACTS of the General Assembly of the STATE
1836 Vol. 1 -- Page: 228
Sequential Number: 133
Type: AN ACT,
Full Title: To vest the estate of Wyatt
Alford, late of Twiggs county, deceased, in William Wyatt Alford,
his illegitimate son.
Whereas, Wyatt Alford, late of Twiggs county,
hath departed this life, leaving a considerable estate, and no wife, nor
legitimate child; and whereas, evidence has been adduced before the Legislature,
that it was the desire of the said Wyatt Alford, that the said William
Wyatt Alford, should be his personal representative:
Sec. 1st. Be it therefore enacted by the
Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General
Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,
That the estate, both real and personal,
money, rights, credits, and effects, of Wyatt Alford, of the county of
Twiggs, deceased, be, and the same is hereby vested in his son, William
Wyatt Alford, upon the said William Wyatt Alford's giving bond & good
security, to pay the debts of the said Wyatt Alford, deceased: Provided,
that this act, shall not interfere with the rights of the heirs at law,
of said deceased.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Approval Date: Assented to, Dec. 29, 1836.
1847 Vol. 1 -- Page: 17
Sequential Number: 011
Full Title: AN ACT to legalize the
actings and doings of Lavinah Loyless, Administratrix of Henry Loyless,
late of Cass
county, deceased, and to authorize
the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs to grant Letters of Administration "de
bonis non" on the
estate of the said Henry Loyless.
WHEREAS Henry Loyless departed this
life in the county of Cass, and whereas Lavinah Loyless, his widow, obtained
of administration on the estate of
the said Henry, under the grant of the Inferior Court of the county of
Twiggs, when sitting as a
Court of Ordinary, contrary to the
strict letter of the law in such cases made and provided, which requires
letters of
administration to be taken in the
county where the intestate dies; and whereas, by virtue of said letters,
the said Lavinah has
gone on almost fully to administer
the said estate, but has recently departed this life, intestate, in the
county of Twiggs, not
having entirely wound up said administration:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly
met, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same, That the actings and doings of the said Lavinah
Loyless, as
administratrix of Henry Loyless, deceased,
be, and the same are hereby legalized and declared to be as valid as if
her letters of
administration had issued from the
county of Cass.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted by the
authority aforesaid, That the Inferior Court of Twiggs county, when sitting
as a Court
of Ordinary, be, and it is hereby
authorized to grant letters of administration "de bonis non" on the estate
of the said
Henry Loyless, for the purpose of
winding up the same, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
GEORGE W. TOWNS, Governor.
Approval Date: Approved, December
29, 1847.
Ordinary Records
1855 Vol. 1 -- Page: 496
Sequential Number: 451
Law Number: (No. 448.)
Full Title: An Act to authorize the Ordinary
of Twiggs county, to grant letters of Guardianship to Daniel W. Shine.
WHEREAS, Daniel Shine died in the
county of Dooly, in the year 1853, leaving a widow and one child, and Daniel
W. Shine, of Twiggs county, the father of said Daniel Shine of Dooly,
administered on the estate of said Daniel Shine, and now has the property
of said estate in his possession in the county of Twiggs, and desires to
become the Guardian of his grand child, Danieleen W. Shine, the property
having been derived originally by gift from said Daniel W. Shine, to said
Daniel Shine of Dooly.
1. Section. 1. Be it enacted &c., That
the Ordinary of Twiggs county, be and he is hereby authorized to grant
letters of Guardianship to the person and property of Danieleen W. Shine,
to her grand-father Daniel W. Shine of Twiggs county, upon his giving
bond and security as now required by law, and by complying with the statutes
in such cases made and provided.
2. SEC. II. (Repeals conflicting laws.)
Approval Date: APPROVED, Feb. 28th, 1856.
1860 Vol. 1 -- Page: 220
Sequential Number: 321
Law Number: (No. 234.)
Full Title: An Act for the relief
of Daniel W. Shine of the county of Twiggs.
WHEREAS, Daniel W. Shine of the county
of Twiggs, was by virtue of an Act approved Febuary 28th, 1856, appointed
guardian of Davieleen W. Shine, and
whereas said Daniel W. Shine has been discharged by the Court of Ordinary
of said
county, from said guardianship, and
W. Brown of the county of Pulaski, has been appointed guardian in the
stead of the said Daniel W. Shine, and that the said Daniel W. Shine
has had a full settlement with the said James W. Brown, respecting the
property and estate of said ward, and has turned over said property and
estate to the said James W. Brown:
[Sidenote: Preamble.]
12. Therefore, the General Assembly
of the State of Georgia do enact, That the said Daniel W. Shine, be and
he is hereby
relieved and discharged from said
guardianship, and his dismissal by said court from said guardianship, is
hereby declared legal
and valid to all intents and purposes,
and the appointment of said James W. Brown as guardian of said Ward, is
also hereby
made legal and valid.
Approval Date: Assented to December
20, 1860.
copyright Eileen Babb McAdams 2004